About Us
Hi! I'm Sandra Lee, and if you love dolls like I do, my doll care products are
for you!. If you collect old dolls or WANT to, or have just one old composition
doll that belonged to your Grandmother -- I can help you!
I ADORE old dolls -- especially the ones made from the
1910s to the 1940s -- Shirley Temple, Patsy, and the big baby dolls
with soft bodies that you can really hug! They were made of a
material called composition -- basically a mixture of
wood-pulp (like sawdust) and glue. It was originally meant to be
"unbreakable", but time has not been very kind to these dolls.
We must shell out a small fortune for a perfect example of these
dolls (up to $1200 or more!!). The rest -- bargains if you could just
fix them -- are now CRAZED. CRAZING is a fine network
of cracks that develops over time, just like wrinkles on humans
(sigh...). The dolls "skin", or paint layer, has far less elasticity
than our own. When the climate is too damp or too dry, the doll's
"skin" tries to expand or contract and ends up cracking or
CRAZING has always been a big source of frustration to
collectors. Restoration can mean hundreds of dollars and a long
waiting list for a good restorer. Or a bad job of
restoration? A nightmare! The doll ruined, its value plummeting to
nothing! This was not the answer for me.
Until now, there were no suitable products to solve the
crazing problem without expensive restoration. So I took matters into
my own hands! After years of testing, I developed COMPO CRAZE
COMPO CRAZE CONCEALER is a safe, inexpensive and easy way
to cosmetically enhance old composition dolls. It works by concealing
the craze lines. And, best of all -- it maintains their
important original condition and usually increases their
value, too!
Bring an old doll back to life!
Thanks ~ Sandra Lee
To all our loyal customers
I understand that many of you have been concerned that we
went out of business over the last year. We have not! My husband
finally retired this last year and went right to work planning all
kinds of trips for us to take. This along with some other family
issues made it difficult for me to dedicate the time to Sandra Lee
Products that I once did. I am sorry for any stress this may have
caused you, and I hope you will give us a chance to make it up to
Since I no longer have the time necessary for Sandra Lee
Product, I have decided to go ahead and join my husband in his
retirement full time. And I have now turned the daily operations of
Sandra Lee Product over to my two daughters, Tonja and Elisa (both pictured below between my boys, Elisa is on the left and Tonja is to the right of her) . If you ever purchased products from us at a doll show you
most likely met one or both of them. They have both been involved
with Sandra Lee Products since the beginning, and are both very
knowledgeable about our products and their uses. We will continue to
offer all the doll products you have come to know and love.
will remain the owner of Sandra Lee Products, but I will not handle the
every day business of running it.
Thank you so much for your patience and
Sandra Lee

Here is a picture of my husband and I with 4 of my 6 children, and one of my grandchildren, at my oldest son's wedding.